5th International School of Quantum Technologies

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The 5th international school on quantum technologies was held in the Art Hotel (Khosta, Sochi) from October 2 to 8, 2022.

The QTS’21 was attended by 74 people (15 lecturers, and 48 students, of which 37 people participated in the poster section). The School delivered  lectures on quantum computing, quantum optics, quantum cryptography and quantum technologies.

In addition to students, graduate students, and employees of scientific organizations, representatives of commercial organizations also participated in the work of the School: Infotecs, ExpertLabs, ETM Photonics.

Event registration closed.

Дата и время

2022-10-02 @ 12:00 ДП to
2022-10-08 @ 06:00 ПП

Дата окончания регистрации




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