The 1st Russian School on Quantum Technologies was held at the Green Flow Hotel at Rosa Khutor ski resort from March 18 to March 23, 2018. 64 people took part in the work of the School (15 lecturers and 49 students). Composition of participants: 10 doctors of sciences (Dr. Habil.), 16 PhD’s and 38 students. At the School 16 lectures and 25 poster presentations were presented and three round table discussions were held.
Distribution of participants by organization chart:

Kulik S.P.
Quantum information processing: current status and prospects

I. I. Ryabtsev
Experimental quantum information science with single atom

S. A. Moiseev
Quantum memory for quantum computing and communications

Yu. I. Bogdanov
Quantum measurements and tomography

V.V. Ryazanov
Quantum coherent devices based on Josephson junctions

V.V. Pogosov
Algorithmic simulation of quantum systems on a quantum computer

A. A. Kalachev
Optical quantum memory in impurity crystals

K. S. Kravtsov
Quantum cryptography through atmospheric communication channels

A. A. Toropov
Single-photon sources for quantum information

A.V. Ustinov
Superconducting quantum circuits: physics and circuitry

V. L. Eliseev
Practical aspects of using quantum key distribution to protect

A.V. Urivskiy
Pairing key establishment mechanisms, or why do we need quantum key distribution

S.V. Garbuk
Coordination of quantum technologies research in the Russian Federation

T.V. Pavlova
A quantum computer based on individual impurity atoms in the 28Si:31P. system. Status, problems and prospects

S. N. Molotkov
Quantum cryptography
Photo album DOWNLOAD.

School venue
School was held at the hotel «GreenFlow»
Hotel «GreenFlow», Esto-Sadok, Krasnodar Territory, Russia
The general sponsor