The 2nd Russian School on quantum technologies was held at the Gorki Panorama hotel in the Gorki-Gorod ski resort (Krasnaya Polyana, village of Esto-Sadok, Krasnodar Territory) from March 2 to 7, 2019. One hundred eleven persons attended the School (14 lecturers and 97 students) from 14 cities.

See extra photos here.
Materials of poster session are available here
In addition to students, graduate students, and employees of institutes, among the participants, there were also representatives of commercial organizations. Number of participants from various organizations (there were 38 organizations represented):

At the School, 14 lectures were given on quantum computing, sensors and communications, 7 reports were made on the practical use of quantum technologies, and two round tables were held.

At the poster session, the participants presented 40 reports (download the collection of abstracts of poster presentations). The School Program Committee held a competition for the best poster presentations.

All participants of the School received certificates of attendance.
Winter sport has traditionally been an essential component of the School’s program. Twenty-nine people went skiing or snowboarding for the first time and initial training took two days. Participants who knew how to ride and wanted to improve their skills also got the opportunity to ride with instructors and improve their skills. Thirty-nine persons took part in the training program, assisted by ten instructors from the Main Ski School of the Gorki-Gorod resort.

School venue
Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana, Esto-Sadok, ul. February 1.
The general sponsor
Official sponsor
Special partner