Report on the 4th International School of Quantum Technologies (QTS’21)
The 4th international school on quantum technologies was held in the conference hall of the in the Voronovo settlement (New Moscow) from November 9 to 12, 2021.
The QTS’21 was attended by 81 people (17 lecturers, 9 speakers and 55 students, of which 17 people participated in the poster section). The School delivered 17 lectures on quantum computing, quantum optics, quantum cryptography and quantum technologies, 8 reports on the practical use of quantum technologies. Foreign lecturers delivered their lectures online.
Video recordings of lectures are available on the YouTube channel.
In addition to students, graduate students, and employees of scientific organizations, representatives of commercial organizations also participated in the work of the School: Infotecs, LLS, Concept Expert, ETM Photonics.
Distribution of participants by city:

Our speakers

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Valiev IPT RAS
Looking through quantum optics

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Introduction to quantum computing

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Introduction to Quantum Cryptography
Quantum computing

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Running Quantum algorithms on a neutral atom processor

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Linear Optical Quantum Computing: Fundamental Principles and State of the Art

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Material Defects in Superconducting Quantum Computers

Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS,
Moscow, Russia
Quantum control of ions for quantum computations and frequency standards
Quantum cryptography

Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore
Privacy for the paranoid ones — the ultimate limits of secrecy

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Side channels of information leakage in Quantum Cryptography

Quantum key distribution: status and prospects
Quantum optics

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Optical-terahertz biphotons

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Structured quantum light

Institute of Applied Physics
of the RAS, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod
Ultracold fermions

Steklov Mathematical Institute,
Russia, Moscow
New trends in the description of non-Markovian quantum processes

Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna
From Entangled Quantum Puzzles to Quantum Information
Quantum technologies

Lomonosov Moscow State University
International ranking of quantum communications

The Institute for Physics of Microstructures
of the RAS, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod
Silicon qubit: a challenge for silicon nanotechnology
Sponsors session

Viavi Solutions
Quantum encryption test methods in fiber optics

Keysight Technologies, Spain
Practical aspects of RF and uW measurements in Quantum Communications and Quantum Sensing

Swabian Instruments GmbH
Time-to-digital conversion of fast signals in quantum optics

Regional Sales Channel Manager
Next-generation photonic technologies for the quantum internet
Sergey Mosentsov
Novelties and unique solutions in the field of quantum communications
Reinhold Noe, Benjamin Koch
Novoptel GmbH, Paderborn, and Paderborn University, Germany
Polarization handling solutions usable for QKD
Olga Stroh-Vasenev
Laser Components Germany GmbH
Single Photon Detectors for QKD
Демо стенды по квантовой криптографии
Во время работы Школы желающие ознакомились с принципами работы двух демо стендов.
Взлом детектора одиночных фотонов
Демо показывает, как тестировать детекторы одиночных фотонов на атаку ослеплением в лабораторных условиях. Если детекторы могут быть ослеплены, то система квантовой передачи ключа, использующая такие детекторы, не может считаться надежной (мы покажем, почему) [1]. Несмотря на то что атака известна уже более 10 лет, эта лазейка в защите до сих полностью не закрыта.
[1] L. Lydersen et al., Nat. Photonics 4, 686 (2010).
Волоконно-оптическая система квантовой передачи ключа
Демо показывает оптическую схему квантовой передачи ключа с автокомпенсацией (или так называемой «plug-and-play») [2]. Вы увидите, как выполнены процедуры временной и прочих калибровок для достижения надлежащей синхронизации сигналов между Алисой и Бобом.
[2] D. Stucki et al., New J. Phys. 4, 41 (2002).
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108 830, Moscow, Voronovo, HSE Education Center